Taylor's University clinched the gold award in the "Sustainability Education” category and achieved distinction by being named the Overall Education Winner at the 10th QS Reimagine Education Awards. This recognition was bestowed in acknowledgment of the Impact Labs, which are in alignment with the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals, thereby contributing significantly to the advancement of sustainability education. For more information on Taylor’s Impact Labs, please visit here.

Taylor’s 15th Teaching and Learning Conference

Mar 01, 2024
Mar 02, 2024
Add to Calendar 20240301T0001 20240302T2359 Taylor's Teaching & Learning Conference 2024 The Taylor's Teaching and Learning Conference 2024: University For the World - Educating with Purpose and Impact is more than just an assembly of educators; it's a dynamic platform designed to align with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDGs) and drive transformative change through purpose-driven education. Hosted by Taylor's University, this conference transcends borders and brings together educators, researchers, and innovators to delve into the heart of how education can play a pivotal role in meeting the UNSDGs. It will showcase inspiring stories from purpose-driven universities and organizations, providing valuable insights, tools, and case studies to creatively transform education for positive change. Academic leaders will be inspired to reshape higher education as a force for good and look into the "why," "how," and "what" of purpose-driven learning, encouraging educators to create impactful experiences for their students. 
The conference will ...
Taylor's University Lakeside Campus, Subang Jaya Taylor's Teaching & Learning Conference 2024 ttlc.general@taylors.edu.my


The Taylor's Teaching and Learning Conference 2024: University For the World - Educating with Purpose and Impact is more than just an assembly of educators; it's a dynamic platform designed to align with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDGs) and drive transformative change through purpose-driven education. Hosted by Taylor's University, this conference transcends borders and brings together educators, researchers, and innovators to delve into the heart of how education can play a pivotal role in meeting the UNSDGs. It will showcase inspiring stories from purpose-driven universities and organizations, providing valuable insights, tools, and case studies to creatively transform education for positive change. Academic leaders will be inspired to reshape higher education as a force for good and look into the "why," "how," and "what" of purpose-driven learning, encouraging educators to create impactful experiences for their students. 

The conference will provide ample networking opportunities for attendees to connect with fellow educators, share experiences, and build collaborative partnerships. These interactions will help participants broaden their perspectives and gain valuable insights from colleagues across disciplines and regions.

This Conference Will:

The conference's themes and sub-themes resonate deeply with the UNSDGs. In the pursuit of understanding the purpose-driven university, participants will explore how initiatives like measuring impact and evaluating success contribute to UNSDGs by encouraging transparency, accountability, and progress tracking. The emphasis on building collaborative partnerships for SDG projects underscores the importance of global cooperation and alignment towards common goals.

Higher education for sustainable development and social responsibility is at the core of UNSDGs. The conference's sub-themes that focus on future skills and competencies, purpose learning, and global engagement directly address UNSDGs by equipping students with the tools to address global challenges, fostering cultural understanding, and nurturing socially responsible citizens.

In the context of UNSDGs, embracing purpose learning as a higher education pedagogy is crucial. The sub-themes that explore pedagogical approaches, collaborations with industry, and assessment methodologies are in direct alignment with UNSDGs. By equipping learners with practical skills and fostering innovative problem-solving, universities contribute to sustainable development and responsible consumption and production.

As technology transforms various industries, the sub-theme of technology-enhanced teaching and learning is a key player in advancing UNSDGs. By integrating technology effectively, educational institutions can enhance accessibility, promote lifelong learning, and drive innovation, all of which are integral to UNSDGs.

The Taylor's Teaching and Learning Conference 2024 not only discusses the intersection of education and the UNSDGs but actively contributes to their achievement. By sharing best practices, research findings, and innovative strategies, participants contribute to a collective effort towards global progress. The conference's emphasis on collaborative partnerships, both within and beyond academia, amplifies the potential for driving tangible change.

In a world seeking solutions to complex challenges, the Taylor's Teaching and Learning Conference 2024 beckons as a catalyst for positive transformation. By aligning closely with the UNSDGs, this conference serves as a gathering of minds dedicated to shaping education that empowers individuals, fosters social responsibility, and creates a lasting impact on a global scale.

Conference Themes & Subthemes

Theme 1

Understanding The Purpose Driven University


  • Measuring Impact And Evaluating Success
  • Sub-Building Collaborating Partnerships For SDG Projects
  • Sustainable Initiative In Built Environment

Theme 2

Higher Education For Sustainable Development/Social Responsibility in Education


  • The Future Of Purpose Learning And Impact Labs in SDG Projects
  • Purpose-Led Education: Future Skills And Competencies
  • Campus As Living Labs For Sustainable Development

Theme 3

Embracing Purpose Learning As Higher Education Pedagogy


  • Empowering Education In The Age Of Industry 4.0: Fostering Impactful Pedagogy For Lifelong Learning
  • Collaborating With Industry Partners For Purpose Learning
  • Innovative Pedagogies For Global Engagement
  • Assessment And Evaluation For Learning With Impact
  • Technology-Enhanced Teaching And Learning

Join The Conversation:

The Taylor's Teaching and Learning Conference 2024 promises to be an enlightening and enriching experience for all participants. By joining this international gathering of educators, you'll be part of a movement to redefine education's role in shaping a better world. 

Mark your calendars and be prepared to embark on a journey of discovery, collaboration, and inspiration at the Taylor's Teaching and Learning Conference 2024. Together, we can educate with purpose and impact, creating a brighter future for generations to come.

Taylor's Teaching & Learning Conference 2024 

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